
Welcome to the AAC-Lab

Supporting Communication

The ability to communicate is a critical part of what it is to be human. Being able to communicate allows us to maintain a level of autonomy in our lives. Our ability to use language shapes how we perceive our world and how we communicate with others shapes their perceptions of us.

Our ability to interact with others is compromised when we experience barriers to effective communication. Effective patient-provider communication is essential to achieving positive medical outcomes and reduces the risk of experiencing a preventable adverse event when hospitalized or living in a nursing home or assisted living facility. 

When individuals face communication barriers it is critical that they have access to AAC providers. Since the Covid-19 health emergency, individuals have had the ability to access such services using telepractice. Absent changes in the regulations governing Medicare funding, telepractice will not be available after December 31, 2024.

The Hurtig-AAClab focuses on developing an understanding of the impact of physical and linguistic barriers to communication and developing tools to allow people to overcome those barriers. The following article makes the case for maintaining telepractice as an option.

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